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This is INCREDIBLY polished, wow.  Music, sound effects, the mechanics are solid and the game is SPEEDY.  Really really good.

Really cool music and art. I absolutely love the inspiring and upbeat tune of the intro and the first few levels. I bet there is more music later that's just as amazing. I didn't finish it myself because the puzzles are a bit too hard for personally (haven't even finished Hollow Knight lmao). 

I watched Fixel001's speedrun for the story and I hope the Owlchemist can defeat the bank--I mean the shadow money gang now that he freed his tower!

(1 edit) (+1)

Wonderful game !

I tried speed running this game (with potion boost mechanic) and it was amazingly well done. You can see it here 

Now for some feedback:


1) The unintended mechanic that saved the game

Potion boosting in the tutorial tells you to throw the potion upwards and jump as it lands. This mechanic however is inconsistent and hard to time right, making some of your jumps higher and some lower. HOWEVER THERE IS ANOTHER WAY TO DO IT !!! Intentional or not, you can throw you potion downwards and have max boost every time !!!

What's more you may ask ? What if i tell you you can skip a whole section of a room in under a second ? Yes, yes you can with diagonal boost ! Simply walk and throw your potion down at the same time and you will be launched diagonally. This mechanic alone made the game WAY more fun and utilizes the most unique part of the game (potion boost).

Still want more you say ? Well, adding on top of the diagonal boost, how about a horizontal boost ? Simply cancel you upward momentum after a diagonal boost and you will be launched horizontally .

I personally don't think that these two mechanic is intended to be included by the devs, but it completely turned the game upside down from a slow and boring platformer to a fast paced high skill celling speed running game and is in my opinion, the mechanic that saved the game.

2) Decent level design

Levels don't feel repetitive, despite diagonal / horizontal boosting (which i don't think was a intended mechanic), each room felt fun and unique.

3) Banger music

Despite repeatedly restarting the game and having to listen to the music over and over again, it does not get repetitive and i enjoyed every beat ! (My favourite is the ending / credits music, it just fits so well !)


1) Enemies have pointless existence.

Enemies feel like they are there just to watch you zoom by, and are overall just pointless since you can just skip / ignore them. I would suggest removing them.

2) Poison potion

This ties to my first point, which is there is no reason to use this potion. Enemies don't drop loot or any rewards and most enemies are just alone, so there is no real appeal to using this potion in combat given its main strength is AOE damage.

3) X for jump on keyboard. 

This is self explanatory and whoever decided that X is jump + unable to bind them to other keys have a special place in hell just for them should consider binding jump to spacebar

4) A very annoying bug (invincible potion)

Sometimes when throwing a potion, it plays the animation but the potion is not thrown (invincible). Its really demotivating to have a good run ruined by something that is out of the player's control.

5) Lack of speed running tools

Where is my restart button >:(

Timer does not reset after a 2nd run, and it just starts off where the previous run left off.

6) Poorly coded potion boost

when you throw your potion upwards, it detects collision of the player and explosion and will always boost upwards even if the potion explodes above the player.

When throwing the potion horizontally,  it detects collision of the player and explosion and will always boost towards the direction it was thrown at, even if the player is standing to the left of the explosion, it will boost the player to the right if the player throws the potion to the right.

Overall, although there are some bugs / changes desired here and there, this game is still amazing and got me hooked trying to get a good run. GG !!!

Thank you for the video! Now the parkour-challenged can also enjoy the story :P

For some reason the spikes teleport me very far away so it's hard to make progress

Beautiful work. From the art, to the music, to the playability (I developed some serious speedrun vibes in some parts, which I love in a platformer).
I also liked how some of the features sometimes worked in our advantage and sometimes not, like the springs and the potion of explosion.


Good game. Very fun to yet yourself with the blast potion

Awesome game! You should all be very proud of what you accomplished here! Best of luck with your future projects!

Amazing game! I love the music, the art, mechanics, comedy, everything!

Great game, very fun! Super impressive to get this much done in such a short time, and the levels feel very thought out and crisp for only two weeks, not counting time to get the mechanics themselves working. Super good job.

Really nice game, Toyota Corrolla best character!

Magnificent,  only thing that could be added is fullscreen

(1 edit)

The music, art, and level design went OFF!! You guys did amazing!! It felt like I was playing a fully published game. The music felt very Undertale and the comedic aspects in this were unexpectedly wonderful. I can't believe I got Corolla'd.

Seriously looking forward to if you guys continue development on this. I had so much fun blasting up into space by holding down with my Explosion potions!

I like how you can just destroy everything you see with little cutie :3



Love the name (go puns!). The music is a bop and the sound effect on the title changing depending the direction was really slick. Taking damaged and getting set back felt really bad and the key binding was a little weird.  The destructible environment was a nice touch, too.

The movement and feel of this game ARE AMAZING!!! really made me want to play more and more until the finish.

The potion throwing felt a bit off sometimes and caused me to throw it the wrong direction multiple times, but that did not make the game unplayable.

This game peaks with it's quick movement and the entire game revolves around quick thinking with tight movement, my only wish was that the boss fight also incorporated that same quick movement in some way rather than spamming potions to defeat the big bad. Maybe you'd have little combat segments and running segments where the boss is untargetable and throws a flurry of swords at you as you need to platform to dodge them all?

Still really liked this game and hope to see more of it!

Thanks Toyota


This game is a gem, it really has a lot of polish and works well, the ending is also great with the boss battle, though the first time the site crashed so i had to do it all over again to get to the ending, though the second time was a breeze when i had already mastered it. One thing that i don’t like is the controls, my thumb is hurt, I would have loved to see a remapping in the settings or a better placement of the jump button. Everything else was great.

Great game! Finished to the end

That ending took my breath away
Celeste level speedrun movement here
This entry was amazing! and such wonderful music, I'm jealous haha
You're amazing Synth Mints!

Finished it. Great ending. Corolla never lets you down

Brilliant game! I like the fast pace, love that you can destroy everything, and the end made me laugh out loud. The  music is wonderful. I do wish the explosion potion were more useful, like more things you have to destroy, and the poison one was pretty much useless, maybe used to kill plants that block the way maybe? One thing about the fast pace that's a bad thing is that, when I died I could immediately move after respawning, and that led me to keep walking into lava or spikes etc, maybe have like 0.1 seconds before you can move again so the player has time to react? Overall it's an excellent game, definitely one of the top that I've played so far

The movement is smooth and responsive, the artstyle is great! There's a lot of mechanics. Unfortunetly i'm bad at platformers so this was a bit difficult for me. 10/10

you play as a blue owl 10/10

(1 edit)

Oh this has a lot of potential the mechanics (even tho the controls were something else)  are in genereal great really like the way the explosive bottle could be used for high speed and the soundtrack is chafs kiss. I love the undertale like soundtrack a lot. The art and animation was also really cool. But the level design was on those tight passages just unfair and if you consider the rest of the game to much of  a jump in difficulty. Other than that I really enjoyed it a lot.


Please for the love of god make a full game where we take the fight to the shadow wizard money gang. I need this in my life

Game is cool, well done! Love the music! :)
Cool mechanic with bouncing the owl with the explosion :D

The fact that this was made in 2 weeks blows my mind.
This game slaps. I love the art. I love the music. I love the individual mechanics.

The overall feel of the game is not as good as I'm making it sound tho, and you're here for feedback - so -

The movement feels sporadic, and it feels bad for some of the super tight squeezes you put in here.
 You maintain your forward momentum through death - in some cases forcing you to your immediate death again. 
There are sections that just felt mean - You can't pitch the camera up or down. You really shouldn't put traps where players can't see and ask them to make a leap of faith straight into them.

This game really shines in the last zones. You start off with all this super tight platforming that is cute, but feels quite bad - and then on the last sections the game turns into this mad dash bullet hell filled with falling platforms and very well spaced jumps that had me wishing that was the whole game.

I DO have to take a point away because i'm a Camry guy.
Gameplay - 5/10  -      game feels confused.
Music - 10/10         -      literally still listening to this.
Art - 8/10                  -     I love the owl, the boss, and the scenary, but not the tiles.

(1 edit)

I loved this game! Brilliant music and I really enjoyed the platforming mechanics. Definitely felt very Celeste inspired. Art style is super cute and the introduction of the lots of little bits you can destroy like in dead cells increases immersion and fun levels :))) Definitely worth finishing the game as is, I loved the ending

this game was very well made, i love the art style and the mechanics

I really like how the game looks and plays. The audio is also pretty good. Really really polished game well done!


I finished the game and here are my thoughts


Game audio was great

Game art + animation was superb (amazing use of squash and stretch)

Overall presentation was awesome


The game mechanics felt a little bit poorly implemented, the bomb jump specifically felt really variable since if you jump the same frame the bomb spawns you get way more height then I feel is intended (this could be fixed by giving a consistent velocity rather than a velocity based on position or however it currently works)

The level design felt very unfair at times and I found myself just running through parts as fast as I can without any thought after multiple attempts of trying (this sadly isn't an easy fix and its something you learn with time)

The character feels very slippery, in Celeste you have about 2 frames of accel/decel, but here it feels more like 15-20 frames

In conclusion, your team did a great job and I hope to see more games from you in the future.

Poison potion make my PC go VRRRRRRRRRRR

Lots of particles

ah yeah, that will be fixed in the final jam build

This is really cool! i like the art and had alot of fun playing it. everything feels smooth. struggled with the potion jump at first but i got the hang of i

Fun game! Handled well and enjoyed it =) keep up the amazing work and left a follow! (your game is first in the video)


This is an odd one. I kinda got bored of it and gave up, especially reading that it doesn't save anyway.

I missed the intro. It was too easy to skip instead of advance. Unless it's just "once  upon a time".

One of few games that doesn't allow you to fire projectiles while jumping.

There's no incentive for killing enemies or exploring.

Shame that gliding only works after a double-jump but the platforming isn't that difficult to really need it.

The explosion mechanic is intriguing, though it cause more hindrance than help.

The graphics are nice and movement is good (although my browser no longer likes online games).

I might download it to see if I like it any better.

just after getting the poison potion and throwing one as a test the game practically froze up - was running super slow - and didnt go back to normal . had to quit  ...

was good until then , shame the isnt a save and i have to fully restart


The style fFeels like a mixture between Rogue Legacy and Shovel Knight (which is great!). The moving around/jumping/gliding all feel fantastic, and I like the potion throwing mechanic. I think the timing for the potion jump needs to be adjusted because when I thought I needed to jump vs when I had to actually jump to get the maximum boost upwards were very different, but the idea is a good one. 

Two other things are that it would be good to have a close range attack, because standing on top of hte enemy and throwing the potion upwards feels bad. and I would like to be able to throw a potion and jump at the same time!

That felt like lots of criticism haha but overall I think you've done a great job :)

Never could toss the potion and make the jump upward. Finally gave up on it.

heya, we’re working on making the potion jump more accessible by allowing you to throw the potion directly on the ground instead of forcing you to time it with the jump

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